Well-being and serenity during your stay

In order to ensure the well-being of our guests , we particularly emphasize the following points:

- Food :

use for breakfast of as many local products as possible (yogurt, cheese, jams, honey, milk, fruit depending on the season) and/or homemade (pastries).

- Towels :

maintenance service by a specialized company which ensures efficiency and ""industrial"" quality.

- Healthy environment :

strict monitoring protocol established with a specialized company. This is based on the use of continuous monitoring means and a schedule of periodic inspection visits.

- Well-being and tranquility of guestswith regard to insects: implementation in rooms, common areas and gardens of efficient and chemical-free devices.

- Support for soft mobility :

* Provision of a charging station for Electric Vehicles to our guests,

* Assistance to make the best use of the systems put in place by the Community of Communes of Haut-Béarn and by the Town Hall to promote soft mobility (free shuttle in town, free on-demand transport in the Aspe Valley, carpooling, train or bus),

* Electric bike rental from our partner Pyrénées Cycles ,

* Electric car rental in Oloron Sainte-Marie.

-Limitation of our collective impact of our activity on the environment   :

We have decided to formalize our eco-responsible approach by obtaining a label in 2024. Thus, our organization is being adapted in order to meet the requirements requested by the European Ecolabel dedicated to tourist accommodation.